Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Video Tutorail: Dave Rapoza "Venom Tutorial"


Dave Rapoza
blogspot: http://daverapoza.blogspot.com/
deviantart: http://davidrapozaart.deviantart.com/
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/daverapoza
livestream: http://www.livestream.com/fuckinartwithmrdelicious
cghub: http://daverapoza.cghub.com/

Dave Rapoza is one of the finest concept and character designers alive! Bringing scary and terrifying creatures and monsters to life with frightening realism. Phenomenal stuff!

Even better I just discovered Dave Rapoza's youtube and livestream. Lots of great interviews with amazing artists such as Sean Murray and Kekai Kotaki.  Also lots of great tutorials like his venom tutorial below. Awesome stuff, you got to check it out!

Watch live streaming video from fuckinartwithmrdelicious at livestream.com

image and video copyright Dave Rapoza

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