Andrew Wilson
blogspot: http://andrewandavid.blogspot.com/
website: http://www.fourthwish.com/
images copyright Andrew Wilson
10 Questions with Andrew Wilson

1.... who are your favorite artists?
Winsor McCay, Katsuya Terada, Junko Mizuno

2.... do you offer workshops for artists?
Yes. Absolutely. If you can find me, hiding somewhere in the Americas, it is very likely that you can ask me for advice on art and I will give it to you. Hell, anybody can feel free to paypal me as much money as they want and I will workshop the sh_t out of you. I’m quite sure you will get something done. I’m not afraid to light fires under anyone’s _ss. And I love a good collaboration.

Just kidding, but I’m totally serious about some of that stuff.

3.... what helps boost your creativity?
I don’t think anything can boost creativity. I’m a scientist and I’ve studied the human genome project extensively. In all my years of producing science, I’ve discovered a thing or two about humans and creativity.

Thing 1) Creativity comes from a gland just beneath the imaginarium in your thinky-cube. That gland secretes creative juice which is absorbed into your brain water, which is then carried through your smarteries into your heart machine(s). Once it’s tired, it must sleep. Once that gland is sleepy, it is not one to be f_cked with. If you want to source my findings and it’s not in Wikipedia, that’s because Wikipedia isn’t cutting edge enough. Just believe me, guy. Ok?

Thing B) Music can boost my creativity. I try not to look at other artists work while I’m working, because, honestly, some of it is too inspirational and can lead to an art attack. I don’t want to be inspired to the point of de-motivation, so I tend to just listen to amaze music or interesting conversation. I really really like chiptunes. How are chiptunes not allowed into the Olympics? F_ck. Wiklund. Chipzel. PDF Format. Ben Landis. Machro. SMILETRON. Come to my house, I will eat your brains.

Bonus Thing) Books! or real art galleries. Go to galleries as often as you can. The internet is awesome, but print media is really cool and has great resolution. Real paintings are better than books, but we can’t all afford to travel or find the analogue originals to our favorite artists. I’ve never met an amazing artist without an amazing collection of books, prints, and/or original pieces.

4.... what medium and tools do you use to create art?
I use photoshop mostly. Colors are cheap and canvas is almost free. I don’t think art is about software though. Well, it is and it isn’t. Photoshop solves several problems easily, and so I use it. If I find a tool that will help me solve problems more easily, I will switch, but I haven’t presently. I also do ink washes and draw IRL, but rarely. I also use illustrator frequently but am totally sh_t at it.

5.... what helps you maintain focus and motivation when creating?
I’m very goal oriented. I know most of my work is pop pinup cheesecake, and it isn’t serious, but it’s all goal oriented. I’ll have an idea and an image in my head, and that will be what needs to come out by the end of a sitting or whatevs.

6.... do you feel its important to follow your passion in your career?

7.... what is the secret to creating a great piece of art?
Find your hand and use it. Good artists have vocabularies that transcend a piece into series or into a retrospective of artwork, and to stand out – that has to be different. I’m still finding my hand but I can see it evolving and I’m happy with the growth. You can find it in most work that stands out – so make sure your art says something about your style or solves a problem somewhere and that’s good. Otherwise, I don’t know what a piece would be for.

The rules are different for everybody – if you feel you’re a serious person, take your art seriously. I’m not joking. If you feel that you are comfortable as a joker, take your work as a joke. Seriously.

8.... where can people see your work (online, conventions or exhibits)?
Currently at the Ontario Science Centre a show called “Game On 2.0”

Buy some art here – I’ve been pushing this series to see if it’s worth continuing:
I also show at Gallery1988 in LA frequently. If you can ever go to that gallery, it’s always amazing.

9.... was there a certain moment that you knew you wanted to be an artist?
Chalk on the sidewalk as a child.

10.... if you could give other artists just one piece of advice what would it be?
Art is competitive and it’s difficult. If you’re not a natural you must invest more of yourself than many are willing to give. It’s likely that the time you spent reading this piece was wasted, and if you’re still reading right now, then you’ve done f_cked up. Go draw something. DO IT.

Find like minds and stretch each other. Perspective is important and feedback can really help if you’re trying to communicate. Be open to feedback from sources your trust and have a conversation about it – don’t take it for face value.

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