Tsuneo Sanda
website: http://www.sandaworld.com
images copyright Tsuneo Sanda
10 Questions with Tsuneo Sanda

1.... what medium and tools do you use to create art?
The tools which I use are acrylic paints and an air brush.

2.... can you describe your creative process when making art?
I only image the finished work which I always have.

3.... what helps boost your creativity?
Continuing changing an image in my brains.

4.... what helps you maintain focus and motivation when creating?
The challenge in one's creativity. And it is a challenge to bring about originality.

5.... what is the secret to creating a great piece of art?
I only challenge it how long can get closer to the image in brains.

6.... do you feel its important to follow your passion in your career?
Yes, I value that I continue to have passion. All of me is over when passion disappears to me.

7.... how and when do you get your best ideas?
I do not understand it either. However, I only believe the work which oneself draws.

8.... who are your favorite artists?
I like works of all artists except me. And they have the splendid talent that I do not have.

9.... do you offer workshops for artists?
You should be able to do it like that.

10.... if you could give other artists one piece of advice what would it be?
It will be to believe one's ability.

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